• ISO 9001:2015 Clause 10 emphasizes the importance of continual improvement, corrective actions, and addressing nonconformities within a quality management system.  Key Takeaways  Organizations are required to determine opportunities for improvement, implement necessary actions to meet customer requirements, and enhance customer satisfaction.  Improvement actions should not only focus on current requirements but also on addressing future […]

  •  The benefits of ISO 9001 certification are clear. Certified companies have a more robust Quality Management System (QMS), higher employee engagement and customer satisfaction, and are more profitable. In fact, 69% of non-certified companies reported losing bids to ISO 9001-certified companies at least once. So, if you want to avoid this scenario, exploring common pitfalls […]

  • The International Organization for Standardization updated its ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System standard in 2024. The ISO 9001 Climate Action Amendment is in effect from February 23rd, 2024. But what does it all mean? Do certified organizations have to revamp their entire QMS? Are certificates issued before the amendment still valid? And how can organizations […]

  • The International Organization for Standardization updated its ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System standard in 2024. The ISO 9001 Climate Action Amendment is in effect from February 23rd, 2024. But what does it all mean? Do certified organizations have to revamp their entire QMS? Are certificates issued before the amendment still valid? And how can organizations […]

  •   ISO 9001:2015 SECTION 8 “OPERATION” Companies are aware of the importance of excellent operational performance and meeting customer expectations. The objectives of clause 8 of ISO 9001:2015 focus on various aspects of operations, including operational planning and control, customer communication, design and development, control of outsourced processes, and production and service delivery. These objectives […]